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Critics, authors & filmmakers say...

Ishmael Reed
Author of Mumbo Jumbo and Juice!
"It was only a matter of time before the hip hop culture would invade the literary world. With The Alchemists of Kush, Minister Faust is leading the invasion. His novel is possibly the first hip hop epic. Hip hop has a short attention span on most occasions. The Alchemists of Kush gives it gravitas."

Sparkle Hayter
Author of What's a Girl Gotta Do? and Naked Brunch
"Minister Faust has the most electrifying and true voice I've read in years."

Ernest Dickerson
Director: Juice, The Walking Dead, Double Play
"Minister Faust is Samuel Delaney, Harlan Ellison and Ishmael Reed all rolled into one. His writing is biting, insightful and hugely entertaining."
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